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Kawai type large cavity press

Kawai type large cavity press

The large press adopts Kawai type 6-8 two-stage pressure high temperature and high pressure device, and the open structure multi-lead measurement is more convenient.



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The large press adopts Kawai type 6-8 two-stage pressure high temperature and high pressure device, and the open structure multi-lead measurement is more convenient.

Using tungsten carbide anvil, high pressure >20Gpa and high temperature >2000°C can be generated on the sample.

Technical advantages
System parameter

Main features:

ØKawai Multi-Anvil Apparatus

Ø Sample temperature >2000°C, sample pressure >20Gpa

Ø The maximum tonnage of the press is 1000, 2000 tons

Ø Press stroke 150mm

Low pressure area, the use of traditional hydraulic system, high stability. It can drive the working piston to move quickly in the low pressure region

Ø The pressure control in the high pressure range is adjusted by the servo motor, and the maximum pressure error is +/-0.5 bar

The automatic control system monitors and controls the pressure, and communicates with the host computer through the network. The actual pressure value is measured by a digital pressure sensor and transmitted to the control system

Control system segment control program, each section of the pressure, time is set, the user needs to produce the pressure curve, while the actual pressure and equipment status information is transmitted to the computer. The PLC regulates the servo motor to adjust the actual pressure so that it approaches the set pressure

Under automatic control, only the servo motor to adjust the pressure, high temperature and high pressure equipment noise is very small, very suitable for scientific research laboratories, equipment stability is high, maintenance costs are very low

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