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RTK-PC-I HTHP Piston-Cylinder Device

RTK-PC-I HTHP Piston-Cylinder Device

Equipment introduction and characteristics: The high-temperature high-pressure piston cylinder device is a professional product launched by RTK, providing researchers with a large chamber static high-pressure sample environment and a uniform and stable temperature field.



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Introduction and Features:

    The high-temperature high-pressure piston cylinder device is a professional product launched by RTK Company, providing researchers with a large chamber static high-pressure sample environment, with a uniform and stable temperature field. It can provide experimental environments with temperatures up to 1750 ℃, 1600 ℃, and pressures up to 4 GPa simultaneously; The RTK high-temperature high-pressure piston cylinder device adopts static high-pressure technology, and the core components are made of high-end precision materials. Suitable for various scientific research that requires high-temperature and high-pressure environments and precise control of high-temperature and high-pressure conditions; The RTK high-temperature high-pressure piston cylinder device is divided into various series, in addition to standard products, there are also desktop products, which are easy to operate, compact in size, and do not occupy laboratory space.

    By using RTK's automatic pressurization and constant pressure device, the product can be upgraded to an automatic type, allowing for more precise control of experimental conditions and greater convenience for you.

Technical advantages

1、Fully automatic

The automatic pressurization and constant pressure device independently developed by RTK company can upgrade the product to an automatic pressurization and pressure maintaining product. By automatically controlling pressure and temperature through a computer, it can continuously maintain pressure and provide a stable pressure experimental environment;

2、Precision manufacturing

The core components of RTK high-temperature high-pressure piston cylinder press are made of high-end precision materials, with performance comparable to imported products, ensuring product quality;


RTK offers various types of products for users to choose from, such as standard, desktop, automatic, manual, and so on.

Equipment technical indicators

Instrument system: The purchased product is required to use piston and hydraulic methods to simultaneously generate high pressure and high temperature on the sample. The pressure and temperature control system is precise, the hot zone temperature is uniform, the product framework is stable and practical, and easy to use. The product can monitor pressure in real-time, ensuring maximum pressure control accuracy to ensure the repeatability and success rate of experiments. The product has a complete protective device to prevent circuits and oil circuits from being exposed.

System parameter

1. Pressure tange:0.3MPa-4.0GPa(100 ton Press)

2. Max pressure:4.0GPa

3. Sample diameter:3mm-7mm(depending on pressure plates)

4. Pressure acccuracy:±0.03GPa

5. Temperature range:RT~1600℃

6. Temperature accuracy:±1℃

7. Manual pressurization (automatic pressurization for option)

8. RTK PC software for real-time detection of sample chamber working pressure and temperature

9. Temperature overload protection, pressure overload protection, chiller detection protection
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